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61. Woman's Struggle As Reflected By Tracy Whitney In If Tomorrow Comes Written By Sidney Sheldon


This final project is a literary analysis of Sidney Sheldon's novel, If Tomorrow Comes. The tittle of this study is Woman's Struggle as Reflected by Tracy Whitney in If Tomorrow Comes written by Sidney Sheldon. The novel describes how a woman struggled to revenge on men whom made her mother got bankruptcy and committed suicide. She also wanted the men to pay what they had done to her life. They had change her life became worse and worse by sending her to a prison. This study presents the personality development of the main character (Tracy Whitney). It also describe the id, ego and superego of the personality development which occurs in the main character.

I choose this topic since the novel gives contribution to readers in understanding the idea of personality development stages and id, ego and superego identity of personality development that can add knowledge about personality development dealing with the crisis of life.

This final project has three problems to be explored, those are:(1) What struggle is reflected in the novel? (2) How does main character struggle influence her life?(3) How does the main character set up the struggle in her life?

A qualitative method was used as the method of investigation. The data were taken from the text of the novel. Some references from several books related to the subject matter were compiled to support this study. The data were in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and quotations, which were relate to the topic.

Psychoanalysis approach was used in analyzing this study. It was found out that there are three stages of personality development according to Sigmund Freud theory. The three stages of the personality development are the illustration of conflicts being resolved. They are (1) id, represents the biological substratum of humans, the source of all drive energy. (2) ego, is to express and satisfy the desires of the id in accordance with reality. (3) superego, represents the moral branch of our functioning containing the idea we strive for and the punishment when against ethical code. The data found in the novel, revealed the id, ego and superego identity within personality development of the main character, Tracy Whitney. In the novel, Tracy got frustration because of her mother died. She also had to responsible for something that she never did. Her demands to revenge on men that hurt her life made her superego did not function well. It means that her ego drove her id to punish the men.
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