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9. Teaching Listening Comprehension To The Fourth Graders Of Elementary School Students By Using The Total Physical Response Method


SDN Jinggotan Kembang Jepara lies on east part of Jepara. It starts teaching English at the fourth grade as the elementary curriculum suggested. At the academic year of 2004/2005 it had twenty six students and they took part in this study.

The study is aimed to know: (1) the extent of students’ understanding towards teaching and learning listening comprehension material by using the total physical response and (2) The students attitude towards teaching and learning process.

This is a descriptive study with pre-experimental research by using oneshot case study. The data were gathered by conducting a test, and analyzed based on descriptive statistical analysis.

Based on the results of the study, it was clearly shown that The Total Physical Response (TPR) is very useful to teach listening comprehension to the fourth graders. Most of the students got satisfactory results. In addition, The Total Physical Response Method has another benefit. Children were playing while they were studying.

In teaching and learning process, teachers should give comprehensible input in order to make their students grasp the material given. More important than that, teachers should avoid a barrier that may prevent their students from learning and it can be high anxiety or low motivation. An enjoyable method is needed accordingly.
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