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93. An Analysis Of Students’ Errors In Pronouncing English Vowels (A Case Study Of The Eleventh Grade Of Sma N 1 Sigaluh Banjarnegara


This final project is a study about an analysis of students’ errors in pronouncing English vowels made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri I Sigaluh Banjarnegara in the Academic Year 2006/2007. Most of the students may have problems to pronounce English vowels, although they get an English subject in their school and they can not master the English pronunciation well. Therefore, the students often make errors. This study was conducted under the consideration that pronouncing English vowels plays an important role.

The problems of this study are what kinds of errors the students make in pronouncing English vowels and why these errors happen/occur. The purposes of the study are to find out kinds of errors made by students in pronouncing English vowels and to find out the factors why these errors happen/occur.

The population of this study was the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri I Sigaluh Banjarnegara in the Academic year of 2006/2007. Before the test doing the test, the writer tried-out to the thirty three students. The writer decided to give the try-out test item to the students to measure the validity and reliability of the test. The instrument used by the writer in this final project were a test, tape recorder, and some blank cassettes, which were used to record the students’ pronunciation. In analyzing the data, error analysis was used in which there were four steps: transcribing the students’ pronunciation into the phonetic transcriptions, grouping the students’ errors in pronouncing English vowels into separate divisions, employing the percentage descriptive analysis to count all error and interpreting the result of the data analysis

Finally, the result of the analysis shows that students are considered “Excellent” in pronouncing English vowels. The total percentage of various errors in pronouncing English vowels is 23.33%. There are five types of dominant errors. There are vowel [i:] (5.31%), vowel [æ] (6.22%), vowel [a:] (6.67%), vowel [_:] (6.67%), and vowel [_] (0.76%).

To help the students improve their pronunciation proficiency, the writer suggests that they should be given a lot of drills and practices relating to the pronunciation so that they can acquire the habit of using the correct pronunciation of English words containing English vowels correctly regardless of language skills they are dealing with.
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