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Praktek Pemberian Makan Dan Status Gizi Anak Usia 0-11 Bulan Di Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Nias South District which natural disaster in the year 2005 ago in the form of earthquake at 8,6 Richter Scale still including district with ugly nutrition status children including baby proportion / less which still was high. In the year 2005, there was about 11,72% suffer malnutrition baby and even in the year 2007 counted 32% baby of including malnutrition category. This situation was the study background was executed as a mean to know practice giving of food to baby that was how practice giving of breastfeeding and food supplement.
This study in May until October 2008, this the including study of survey having the character of descriptive with design study of sectional cross. The chosen study location was services-region of the Primary Health Centre (PHC) of Lolomatua, PHC of Amandraya and PHC of Teluk Dalam. Population Study was entire family owning baby with amount of sample entirely counted 364 person. Study instrument was using question worksheet, Weight-Baby Instrument, Long-Grader Instrument. Data was processing through editing process, coding, and tabulating. Data analysis done seen number from each every result-studied, was later then was description.
The result showed that only 11,5% baby given by collostrum, 61,5% duration suckle baby ≥ 15 minute, 50,8% frequency suckle without scheduled, and 99,2% baby suckled directly. Practice giving of food supplement indicate that 97,8% given by food supplement type was mush, and fruit, only 8,2% exclusive breastfed coverage, 28,2% calorie content and 9,4% protein content in food supplement available the demand, 51,3% food supplement given in the form of which was refined, 97,4% cooked beforehand, and 26,7% munched by before given and also 97% food supplement giver was the mother own. Nutrition status pursuant to Weight/Age show 52,5% including nutrition category less, 36,5% good nutrition, 6,3% nutrition malnutrition, pursuant to Long-Grader/Age 41,2% normal and the rest was including short category and also pursuant to Weight/Long-Grader, 48,6% including thin category, 41,5% including normal category, 5,5% including thin category once.
Pursuant to result of study, suggest that to be conducted by a number of convergent activities at behavioural-change of baby feeding and the importance of food supplement especially to baby from impecunious family.
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