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29. The Psychoanalytical Study On The Characteristics And Causes Of Josephine’s Deviant Behaviors Found In Agatha Christie’s Novel Crooked House


Nowadays, novels are very popular. The language used in the novel is usually simple and denotative. Novels are able to entertain readers and help them pass their spare time. The readers can find the characters with their own problems that sometimes happen in the real life. Novel as a literary work may become a useful source for studying literary criticism. Therefore, this study uses psychological approach as a part of literary criticism to uncover conflicts of human being represented by one of the characters of the novel.

The objectives of this study are firstly to get a clear description about the deviant behaviors of Josephine, one of the characters in Agatha Christie’ s “Crooked House” , secondly to know the causal factors of her deviant behaviors and thirdly to find out how psychoanalysis explains her deviant behaviors. This study is expected to give contribution to the readers who would like to know about the psychological condition and development faced by little children.

The writer applied descriptive method in analyzing the story. First, the writer prepared the identification sheet to identify and classify the data based on the topics such as disruption, aggression, socially maladjustment, immaturity, being less affection, being overconfidence, being bored, being discomfort and unsafe and family relationship. The data were in the form of sentence and dialogue. After that, the writer tried to explain, describe and compare the data with the related literature. The writer tried to answer the statements of the problems that was to find out the causes of Josephine’s deviant behaviors, one of the characters in the “Crooked House” by using psychological approach.

The result of this study shows that Josephine has complecated characteristics of child with deviant behavior such as disruption, aggression, socially maladjustment, and immaturity. It is proved by her misbehaviors, for instance: she is able to kill her own grandfather. According to psychological approach, Josephine’s deviant behaviors are called psychoneurotic symptoms. It proves that her id functions stronger than her superego and dominate. Therefore, the ego that works based on reality principle fails to repress the death instinct of id and let it be the winner.
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