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43. Rhetorical Devices Found In Jewel’s Song Lyrics


This study is about the use of rhetorical devices in Jewel’s song lyrics. The problems of this study are what kinds of rhetorical devices which are expressed and how rhetorical devices are used in Jewel’s song lyrics. The objectives of the study are to find and describe the rhetorical devices used in Jewel’s song lyrics. The result of this study is expected to enrich our knowledge in understanding the types of rhetorical devices in Jewel’s song lyrics.

I used qualitative research as a method of this study, since the data were in written songs. I also used library research method. I searched for some reference source books to find further information. The data were all words, phrases and sentences containing rhetorical devices. Rhetorical devices which are found in Jewel’s song lyrics are alliteration, anaphora, symploce, synonym, polyptoton, epistrophe, anadiplosis, simile, metaphor, personification, and irony. In conducting the research, I read Jewel’s song lyrics and then identified the rhetorical devices which are found in every word, phrase, and sentence in the text. I listed them in a table, and then classified the collected data into their classification. In analyzing the data, I explained the definition, description meaning of rhetorical devices. Next I interpret the data using my own words. And the last step, I described the use of rhetorical devices which are expressed in Jewel’s song lyrics as well as the implied meaning in those songs.

Finally the result of the study shows that there are 45 expressions that contain rhetorical devices. They consist of 3 alliteration expressions, 4 anaphora expression, 1 symploce expression, 3 synonym expressions, 3 polyptoton expressions, 6 epistrophe expressions, 1 anadiplosis expression, 13 simile expressions, 4 metaphor expressions, 5 personification expressions and 2 irony expressions. Simile is the most frequently used in her song lyrics. By using this expression Jewel wants to convey and emphasize about her concept, opinion and ideas in her song lyrics and also to give ornament to her literary works. The result of this study is hoped able to help the readers and the listeners of Jewel song lyrics to get the message which is revealed on the song lyrics.
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