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53. Undermining Bourgeois Mentality As Reflected In Charles Dickens’ Novel “Great Expectations”


This final project is aimed at identifying how bourgeois mentality is reflected in the novel; identifying what power is able to undermine bourgeois mentality; and analysing how the process of undermining bourgeois mentality is, as reflected in the novel.

The object of this study is Charles Dickens’ novel “Great Expectations”. The data of the study are in the form of words, phrases, idioms, sentences, having hidden meanings, explicit as well as implicit. The data were collected by the following steps. Reading the novel several times, identifying some parts of the story that were dealt with the theme, inventorizing the data in appendices and classifying the inventorized data into three groups according to three statements of the problems, and selecting the data to be analyzed using relevant sampling.

The result of the study shows that there are two main characteristics of bourgeois mentality found in the novel. First is the reflection of bourgeoisie life style because of the increasing level of power and economy, and the second is that the person begins to identify himself as the upper class and reject association with his actual level of social class. Anyhow, love becomes a strong power to undermine bourgeois mentality. Love, which has four strong remarkable elements can help a person in searching his self - concept. The person is not only influenced by society’s evaluation in the cognitive development of his self - concept, but also develops his personal character because of love.

The suggestions are that the youth should gain more understanding about the self during the lovely process of socialization, so that the fullest potential character can be achieved. After that, the youth should work hardly to utilize the fullest potential character so that he can achieve his dream, or he can gain more propertied ownership although he is not a bourgeoisie. However, the youth still needs others to love, and vice versa because love helps the youth in achieving true happiness.
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