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11. Outdoor Classical Music As An Alternative Media For Teaching Students In Writing Descriptive Text (A Case Of The Second Year Students Of Sma


This final project is an experimental research. In this study, the writer limits the discussion by stating the following problem: “How does outdoor classical music as an alternative media affect the students in writing a descriptive text? “ The aim of this experimental research is to analyze how outdoor classical music affects the students in writing a descriptive text. So, we can determine whether there is significant difference in the achievement between students who were taught descriptive text by using outdoor classical music and without outdoor classical music or not.

There were three steps in conducting this experimental research; choosing the eleventh grade of SMA Semesta Semarang as the population, taking two groups of the students as the samples; one as an experimental group and the other as a control group that consist of 16 students each group and after that conducting real experiment. To obtain the data, the writer used post-test only in implementing the step.

The result of this research shows that the experimental group gets better scores than the control group. The difference between the two groups is 3,5 and ttest shows that this difference is significant.

Dealing with this experimental research, the writer suggests that outdoor classical music can be used as a media for teaching students in writing a descriptive text. The purpose is to create a new situation that makes students interested in learning English.
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