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25. Teaching Names Of Object Using A Cartoon Movie Entitled “Dora The Explorer” For Sixth Grade Students Of Elementary School


Teacher of Elementary School should have a special teaching technique in teaching English, since teaching English in Elementary School was not easy. In this research, the writer tried to use “DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie to teach names of object or noun as the part of vocabulary. The statement of the problem for this research was does “DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie improved the students’ mastery of names of object.

The objectives of the study were to find out whether teaching names of object using “DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie could improve the students’ mastery of names of object and to prove whether there was any significant difference between the students’ achievement who were taught by “DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie and those who were taught by conventional technique.

To achieve the objectives of the study, the writer conducted an experimental quantitative research. The experiment was held through before-after design. The sample of the study, the sixth graders of SD Negeri 05 Randudongkal, was designed into two groups consisted of 15 students in the experimental group and 15 students in the control group. The students in the experimental group were taught names of object using “DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie and the students in the control group were taught by conventional technique. The instrument used for collecting the data was the names of object test that was gained from the analysis result of the try-out test. The data was obtained from the pre-test and post-test scores of the both groups.

Based on the statistical analysis, it could be seen that the mean of the posttest scores of the experimental group was higher than the mean post-test scores of the control group. To know whether the differences of the two mean was significant or not, t-test formula was applied. The result of the computation was 2,961. The critical value of t for the tailed level of significant in which α = 0,05 and degree of freedom (df) 28 was 2,05. Since the obtained value was higher than the critical value of t, it meant the difference between the mean of both group was significant. Thus, the hypothesis saying “There was no significant difference between names of object proficiency of students those taught by using cartoon movie and which taught by using the conventional technique” was not proved, so it was rejected.

In line with the result, the writer concludes that the use of “DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie is more effective than the conventional technique, so the writer suggests cartoon movie entitled “DORA THE EXPLORER” as an effective technique to teach names of object to the Elementary School students. The teacher may use it as an alternative technique to create a situation that makes the students interested and fun in learning English.
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