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43. An Analysis Of Students’ Errors In Dictation As A Testing Device Of Listening The Case Of The Fourth Grade Students


This study was conducted under the consideration that there are some different pronunciation between English and Bahasa Indonesia. For example, when pronouncing the English words, the students usually get difficulty because most English words do not follow the spelling system while in Bahasa Indonesia, the students will never find difficulty in pronouncing the Indonesian words because it follows the spelling system.

To gain the objective, I did two activities: library activity and field activity. In the library activity, I explored some reference books that were related to dictation, listening skill, error analysis, and research. While in field activity, I gave the fourth grade students of SDN Tempuran 2 Simo Boyolali in academic year of 2004/2005 a test consisting of 50 multiple choice items. In taking the sample of this research, I used total sampling technique. I chose all of the population that is 16 students as the sample. In preparing the test, based on dictation and the student’s achievement I classified and arranged the test items into four categories, those are simple words, compound words, phrasal words, and sentences. After giving the test, I analyzed the result by using statistical analysis and non-statistical one.

The result of the study revealed that there were 412 spelling errors (42,2% or 174 because of clusters, 29,4% or 121 because of diphthong and 28,4% or 117 because of change in pronunciation). There were also 412 errors because of interlingual interference (26,7% or 110 transfer) and because of intralingual interference (38,6% or 159 false concept hypothesized and 34,7% or 163 incomplete application of rules).

In order to determine the errors, it is suggested that the English teacher should give more exercise of dictation and train the students to memorize the word spelling.
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