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75. Speech Function As A Part Of Negotiation Strategies In Conversational Texts Displayed On “Joyful English Book I For Smp Class Vii”


The inability to speak English of the most graduates of Junior High Schools is the main reason for me to conduct this research. This cannot be separated from the materials used by the teacher in the classroom. The research is arranged accordingly with several objectives. The first objective is to discover how the negotiation strategies in conversational texts displayed on “Joyful English Book I For SMP Class VII” published by CV Aneka Ilmu are developed. The second objective is to find out the most dominant kind of negotiation strategies in conversational texts displayed on that book.

I have adjusted special required determination and limitations to the object. The limitations are on the speaking materials in “Joyful English Book I For SMP Class VII” published by CV Aneka Ilmu. The conversational texts are the required data of this study. The data are then analyzed by applying the conversational structure analysis of the speech function network of conversation by Eggins and Slade 1997. This is done to find out the negotiation strategies that are used by the speakers in that book.

The result of the analysis is stated in the sequences of speech function based analysis and supported by the overall-based interpretation. It shows that there are 161 moves containing: (1) 63 opening moves (2) 35 continue sustaining moves (3) 56 responding react sustaining moves, and (4) 7 rejoinder react sustaining moves. Besides, there are 37 logical strategies and 18 interpersonal strategies.

The conclusions of the study are, first, the types of speech function network of conversation by Eggins and Slade 1997 are developed on that book, and the most dominant kinds used are opening moves. The most dominant kinds of opening moves are in the form of demanding information. Secondly, logical strategies are used more in a conversation than interpersonal strategies.

Finally, I suggest that those findings be considered in the teaching learning process hoping that the results will be better. English Junior High School teachers do not rely on that book only. It must be supplemented with the other book, of course, the appropriate one.
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