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87. Grammatical Error Analysis In Students’ Recount Texts (The Case Of The Twelfth Year Students Of Sma N 1 Slawi, Tegal


Learning English becomes more and more important nowadays since we know that English is one of the international languages which can be used to communicate around the world. In Indonesia, English is learnt as a foreign language. Learning a different language is sometimes difficult since the target language has different elements compared to the native language. These differences sometimes cause students to make errors when using it.

This final project primarily deals with grammatical error analysis. It describes the grammatical errors on recount texts made by the twelfth year students of SMA N 1 Slawi in the academic year of 2006/2007. I use the qualitative approach of which the data were obtained from the students’ recount text writing. These writings were then analyzed. The grammatical errors were classified into seven groups. They were errors in producing verb group, errors in subject-verb agreement, errors in the use of articles, errors in the use of prepositions, errors in noun pluralization, errors in the use of pronouns, and errors in the use of conjunctions.

From the result in chapter IV I can conclude that the students made 235 grammatical errors which were classified into 153 errors in producing verbal groups, 3 errors in subject-verb agreement, 10 errors in the use of article30, errors in the use of preposition, 12 errors in pluralization, 23 errors in the use of pronoun, 4 errors in the use of conjunction.

From the result I can conclude that the possible causes of errors are overgeneralization, and interference.

It is suggested that the students still need more practices dealing with verb forms since they were the basic knowledge needed for telling their past experiences.
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