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100. A Grammatical Error Analysis of Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition


Error reflects the competence of the learner. It deviates from what is regarded as the norm. Students’ errors are very crucial indicator of knowing the learners’ ability in their language development. From the errors that the students do, their mastery of the language system can be determined. Students of foreign language have to master grammar in order to know how to use the language correctly and acceptably. Without knowing the grammar of the language, it is very difficult for the students to produce and arrange sentences or utterances in speaking or writing. Therefore, it needs to be given more attention. Students’ errors may occur in different components of language grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary. The research of grammatical error analysis is aimed to answer the questions: (1) What are types of grammatical errors found in Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition of the State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang? and (2) What are the dominant types of the grammatical errors found in the Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition of the State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang? The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method. It tries to describe and explain the condition of the obtained data naturally and objectively. It is also to describe the data obtained from Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition of the State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang, which are in the form written data. The object of the research is Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition of the State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang, which is in the form of written data. The reason why this research uses Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition of the State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang as the object is because it is the great students’ work which contains of students ability and progress in learning English. The theory used to analyze the data is Burt and Kiparsky’s theory. Based on the finding and discussion, it is found that there are grammatical errors found in the works of Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition of the State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang. From six types of Burt and Kiparsky’s theory, it is found four types of errors produced. Meanwhile the most dominant type of grammatical error is in the skeleton of English clauses in type of simple predicate missing be. It means that the sentence is missing their predicate in the form of be (is, am, and are). It is suggested to the next researchers who are interested in investigating the same field to fill the gaps and lack that cannot be fulfilled in this research and complete their future analysis in detail, especially on a grammatical error analysis using different theories than the Burt and Kiparsky’s theory and in the newest year created.
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