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114. Apology Used In Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason Movie


Communication is important in maintaining relationship to make it better when some incidents of misunderstanding or miscommunication happen. Person should ask an apology to the one that the person has hurt. The researcher wants to find out how people use an apology to shows their regret for the damage or the mistake they did because asking for an apology is not easy. This thesis entitled Apology Used In Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason Movie is intended to analyze apology strategies which include types and how apology is used by the main characters of the "Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason Movie". This research aims at answering the problem of “What and How are those kinds of apology used in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason movie.” This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method. The data are in the form of transcribed utterances said by the characters in Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason movie. After the data were collected, they were analyzed into seven types of apology then drew the general conclusion based on the theory and research findings. The researcher doesn't find two types of apology, that are Type 3 and Type 5. The characters of Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason movie based on Daniela Kramer-Moore and Michael Moore’s theory of apology strategies use some types of apology: (1) Type 1, (2) Type 2, (3) Type 4, (4) Type 6 (Ironic, with two exaggerated stresses) and (5) Type 7 (exaggeratedly incredulous). The most type which is used in this movie is Type 1 and Type 2.
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