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193. English Teaching Method’s Subject in English Department at University

This thesis entitled “English Teaching Method’s Subject in English Department at University of Sumatera Utara: A Needs Analysis” is an applied linguistics study viewed from Needs Analysis. In this thesis the object that writer analyzed is the Needs Analysis of one subject in English Department at USU named English Teaching Method’s subject using the questionnaire as the instruments of collecting data which are distributed on May, 18th  2017 until May, 24th  2017. The theory supporting this thesis is Learning Centered Approach proposed by Hutchinson & Waters. The analysis is focused on the components of Needs Analysis which are necessities component, wants component, and lacks component. To objective of this study are (1) to find out the necessities component of English Teaching Method’s subject in English Department at  USU, (2) to find out the wants component of English Teaching Method’s subject in English Department at USU, and (3) to find out  the  lacks  component  of  English  Teaching  Method’s  subject  in  English Department at USU. This thesis structured as the field research using quantitative and qualitative method as in implementation   includes   data,   analysis   and interpretation of the meaning and data obtained. The results of the analysis is found that for the necessities component there are 66,1% of the respondents who stated that English Teaching Method’s subject is still needed to be taught in English Department at USU and the rest 33,9% of the respondents have contrast opinions which shows that English Teaching Method’s subject is as the unneeded subject in English Department at USU. For the wants component there are four wants of this subject, 34,2% for a guide book properly and good facilities (projector, monitor), 22,0% for a practice in doing a project of teaching method in real situation not only theory, 17,5% for a smart and reliable  lecturer who  master English Teaching Method’s subject and have good knowledge in English Language, and 15,0% for learning about the teaching multimedia, syllabus design, curriculum development, how to manage teaching & learning, and method in teaching. And for the lacks component there are three lacks of this subject, 40,3% for a practice in doing a project of teaching method in real situation not only theory, 19,2% for lectures do not master the material, and 17,0% for the syllabus of the subject.

Keywords: Needs Analysis, Foreign Language Teaching, English Teaching
Method, Subject
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