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196. The Description of Metaphor in Troye Sivan’s Songs Through Wild Album

The paper, entitled The Description of Metaphor in Troye Sivan's Songs Through Wild Album, makes the type and meaning of metaphor available in Troye Sivan's song  lyrics.  In  writing this  paper,  the  writer  conducted  a  method  of  library research for literature study to collect data information by using several books and internet related to the problem to analyze the types of metaphors. The writer collects metaphorical data contained in Troye Sivan's lyrics, selects metaphors in song lyrics, classifies metaphors into their types, interprets metaphors, and finally analyzes them for conclusions. The division of this type of metaphor in this paper refers to two things that will be compared and viewed in terms of figures of language that divide metaphor into simile, hyperbole, personification and meaning contained in Troye Sivan's song lyrics in Wild Album. On this album there are 6 songs. In the song, the author found 29 metaphors consisting of 1 simile (17,2%), 13 hyperboles (44,9%), 11 personifications (37,9%). Metaphors in the most dominant form of hyperbole and followed by personification and simile.

Keywords: Hyperbole, Metaphor, Personification, Simile
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