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A Comparative Study Between English And Indonesia Adverbs


This study is an attempt to compare the English and Indonesian adverbs for the purpose of teaching English to Indonesian students. It is expected to help the teachers of English in detecting the learners’ area of difficulties and in solving the problems with a more effective way, and to enable the learners to predict the trouble spots that will be faced while learning English.
The main problems to solve are: (a) how many kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs? , (B) Are the kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs the same or not?, (c) What are the roles of the process of the English and Indonesian adverbs formation?, (d) are the rules of the process the same or not ?, (f) Is there similarity between English and Indonesian adverbs? , (g) In what aspects are they different ? , (j) Where is the position of the English and Indonesian adverbs in sentences?
The population of this study is all base and derived adverbs and new forms used in English and Indonesian novels: (a) The Big Kill, by Mickey Spillane and (b) Sejuta Pintu Cintaku, by Motinggo Busye.
Using the following instruments collects the data of this study: (a) literature study and (b) documentation-identification, making list and classification.
The collected data are then verified and analyzed. The analyze steps are: (a) breaking down the components of the derived or new forms, (b) finding the relation of the components, (c) Knowing the process of adverbs formation, (d) analyzing the similarities and differences of the kind, formation, and the position of the English and Indonesian adverbs.
Based on the data analysis and the hypothesis testing, the results are: (a) There are eight kinds of English adverbs “The Big Kill”: adverbs of manner, adverbs of place and direction, adverbs of time, adverbs expressing degrees of certainty, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, and adverbs of particles, (There are fourteen kinds of Indonesian adverbs used in the novel “Sejuta Pintu Cintaku” : kata keterangan kualitatif, kata keterangan tempat, kata keterangan waktu, kata keterangan modalitas, kata keterangan aspek, kata keterangan derajat, kata keterangan instrumental, komitatif, konsensif, kausal, konsekuentif, tujuan, komparatif and perwatasan, (c) English adverbs can be formed by the rules as follows : (c.1) use of base adverbs, (c.2) affixation process with patterns : stem + DS, noun + suffixes, DP + stem, (c.3) irregular process, (c.4) adverbs in comparison, (c.5) compounding (c.6) combination with the pattern : preposition + noun/phrase, modifier-head, and head- modifier, and (c.7) use of particles, (d) Indonesian adverbs can be formed with the rules as follows: (d.1) the use of base adverbs, (d.2) affixation process with the patterns : stem + DS, afiks se-nya + stem, afiks se-nya + reduplication, (d.3) reduplication, (d.4) combinations with the patterns : preposition + noun/phrase, preposition + personal pronoun, Head-Modifier, (d.5) use of conjunctions/function words, (e) the English adverbs can be placed in : the mid position such as adverbs expressing degrees of certainty, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of degree, adverbs of particles, and adverbs of duration, and some of them can be placed in final/end position such as adverbs of manner, adverbs of time, adverbs of place, and adverbs of frequency, (f) the Indonesian adverbs can be placed in (f.1) Initial/beginning position, such as kata keterangan waktu, modalitas, and perlawanan, (f.2) mid posisition, such as kata keterangan derajad, kata keterangan kausal, akibat/konsekutif, final, komparatif, and kata keterangan perwatasan, (f.3) End/final posisition, such as kata keterangan kulitatif,tempat,instrumental,komitatif.
From the result above, the writer draws conclusion that there are some similarities and differences between English and Indonesian adverbs, as follows: (a) the similarities on the kind: adverbs of manner = kata keterangan kualitatif, adverbs of place = kata keterangan tempat, adverbs of time = kata keterangan waktu, adverbs of frequency = kata keterangan aspek ( frequentatif and habituatif ), adverbs expressing degrees of certainty = kata keterangan modalitas ( kepastian and kesangsian ), and adverbs of degree is same as kata keterangan derajat/kuantitatif ; (b) the similarities on the formation are in the uses of : (b.1) base adverbs ( adverbs of time and kata keterangan waktu, adverbs of frequency – kata keterangan aspek ( frequentatif and hebituatif ), adverbs of degree – kata keterangan derajat; (c) the similarities on the position between the English and the Indonesian adverbs are as follows : (c.1) in initial position : adverbs of time = kata keterangan waktu, adverbs of frequency = kata keterangan aspek ( frequentatif and hebituatif ), (c.2) in the mid position : adverbs expressing degrees certainty = kata keterangan modalitas ( kepastian and kesangsian ), adverbs of degree = kata keterangan derajad, adverbs of frequency = kata keterangan aspek ( frequentatif and habitutif ), (c.3) in the final or and position : adverbs of manner = kata keterangan kualitatif, adverbs of place and direction = kata keterangan tempat, and adverbs of time – kata keterangan waktu, (d) the differences on the kind between the English and Indonesian adverbs are describes as follows : (d.1) English has adverbs of time ( indefinite time ), adverbs of duration, adverbs of particles, but Indonesian does not, (d.2) Indonesian has : kata keterangan modalitas ( pengakuan, larangan, kondisional, keheranan ), kata keterangan instrumental, kata keterangan komitatif, konsensif, kausal, konsekutif/akibat, final, kompratif, and perwatasan, while the English does not ; (e) the differences on the formation are seen in the uses of : (e.1) some processes English has but Indonesian does not : affixation process with the patterns : stem + DS for adverbs of manner, place, time, noun + suffixes for adverbs of manner, place, time, noun + suffixes for adverbs of manner, and DP + noun/adjective for adverbs of manner and adverbs of place, irregular process for adverbs of manner, adverbs in comparison ( adverbs of manner ), compound ( adverbs of place ), combination with the pattern Modifier-Head, ( adverbs of time ) and use of particles ( adverbs of particles ), (e.2) some processes Indonesian has but English does not : (e.2.1) affixation process with the patterns : afiks se-nya + stem ( kata keterangan kualitatif, kata keterangan modalitas ) afik se-nya + reduplication ( kata keterangan waktu ), (e.2.2 ) combination with the patterns : preposition + adjective ( kata keterangan kualitatif ), preposition + noun phrase ( kata keterangan kualitatif ), preposition + noun phrase ( kata keterangan kualitatif, kata leterangan instumental ), preposition + demonstrative pronoun ( kata keterangan tempat ), preposition + personal pronoun ( kata keterangan komitatif ), (e.2.3) use of conjunctions/function words for : kata keterangan perlawanan, sebab, akibat, final/tujuan, comparatif, and perwatasan (e.2.4) use of base adverbs ( kata keterangan modalitas ) ; (f) the differences on the position are described in two parts : (f.1) some types of English adverbs have these positions, but Indonesian adverbs do not : mid position ( adverbs of manner, place, and duration ), and the end/final position ( adverbs of frequency ), (f.2) some of Indonesian adverbs are placed in these position, but some of English adverbs do not : (f.2.) beginning/initial position : kata keterangan kualitaif, tempat, modalitas, derajad, konsesif, and kausal, (f.2.2) mid position : kata keterangan : konsesif, kausal, kondekutif, final/tujuan, comparatif, and perwatasan, ( f.2.3 ) end position : kata keterangan instrumental, komitatif.
Finally, the writer would like to suggest to the learning English writers that the English teaching materials on the formation of adverbs should be: (1) based on the comparison of English and Indonesian adverbs – formation; (2) put in the first order for them that have some differences with Indonesian, and the next order for them that have some differences with Indonesian process, (3) done correctly in order to avoid the misinterference of the two languages.
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