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24. The Teacher And Learner Talk In The Classroom Interaction Of Grade Viii.A Smp N 2 Cepiring Kendal


This final project is a descriptive qualitative study on teacher talk and learner talk in the classroom interaction, particularly on the participants’ interaction in SMP N 2 Cepiring Kendal. The aims of the study are firstly, to describe the speech strategies used by the teacher and learners in the classroom; secondly, to identify languages used most of the time by the teacher and students in the classroom interaction and the reason.

The data of this study are the interaction between the teacher and the learners in the classroom. In order to analyze the data, some steps are conducted. First, the data was taken by recording the classroom interaction, observation and interviews.

The result of this study shows that the teacher was more active (or the superior) in this interaction. Meanwhile, the learner was less active than the teacher (or the inferior). After getting the result of this study, the writer concludes that the teacher is dominant in the classroom interaction. For the equipment, the learners were adequately provided with English learning resources, but there were no visual aids. The limited equipment made it difficult for the teacher to develop her teaching strategy. The learners condition showed that they should be more active because some of them was still confused or gave no answer.

Based on the result of this study, it can be concluded that there are mutual dependence of roles between the participants. Functionally, the teacher and the learners complemented to each other. However, the most often initiator is the teacher, because she was accustomed to using English.
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