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57. A Study Of Students’ Mastery Of Phrasal Verbs (The Case Of The Fourth Semester Students Of Regular Education Class Of English Department Of Unnes


The title of this final project is “A study of the students’ mastery of phrasal verbs: The case of the fourth semester students of regular education class of the English Department of UNNES in the academic year of 2006/2007.”

The research is carried out to measure to what extent the fourth semester students of regular education class in the academic year of 2006/2007 have mastered the English phrasal verbs and what problems encountered by the students. Although phrasal verbs are not taught in a vocabulary class in this department, but this research is carried out on consideration that vocabulary is not less important than the other language components.

A test was employed in the form of multiple choice and completion type to collect the data. A try-out test was carried out before administering the test. It was proved that there were 4 out of 24 students who got B grade, 9 students got BC, 6 students got C, 2 students got CD, 2 students got D, and one student got E. Moreover, in statistical analysis, the mean was 64, 83. It means that the students’ mastery of phrasal verbs is average. In other words, I can conclude that the students’ mastery of phrasal verbs is good enough.

To improve the quality of teaching learning process and to get satisfactory results in teaching phrasal verbs at the English department of UNNES, I suggest the English department lecturers intensify vocabulary, especially phrasal verbs taught in contextual meaning so that the students’ mastery of phrasal verbs can be improved.
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