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13. Reconstruction of the meaning of death according to Martin Heidegger and Syekh Siti Jenar (comparative study of existentialism philosophy).


Death is the absolute destiny for all living beings in this universe. There is nerve in  our soul when  we remember about  death.  It  is  because there is  an existential principal of anti-nothingness in the deepest of human existence to refuse death. It can make human falls into the “possessing principle” and forgets on the “existing principle”, which more responsible, polite, easy to forgive, love and peace. The title of this research is “Reconstruction of the Meaning of Death According to Martin Heidegger and Syekh Siti Jenar (Comparative Study of Existentialism Philosophy)” that purposed to know what Martin Heidegger and Syekh Siti Jenar’s thought about death; what is the factor and background that influenced Martin Heidegger and Syekh Siti Jenar’s thought about death; what is the reconstruction of death. This research uses the method of synthetic analytical, by historical and philosophical approach.
According to Martin Heidegger, death is a condition when Dasein stopped as Being-in-the-world; it is also “a possibility to die”, in which Dasein is always facing its “future” in heading to die. The conception of death in Heidegger’s thought influenced by some factors and background; Heidegger lived in a crisis era of The World War II, he also influenced by many figures such as Aristotle, Husserl, Wilhelm Dilthey, Kierkegaard, St. Augustine Hippo, Karl Barth, Duns Scotus, Friedrich Nietzsche and Friedrich Hölderlin.
In other side, for Siti Jenar, death is only a transit for spirit in the physical world. It covers all human when he separated from God (The Eternal Live) and trapped in this physical world (the grave world). Syekh Siti Jenar’s thought about death influenced by his teachers such as, Syekh Datuk Kahfi, Aria Damar, and his companions such as Ahmad al-Mubasyarah. Siti Jenar also influenced by other figures of Moslem and Sufism, such as al-Kharaj, al-Qusyairi, Ibnu ‘Arabi, al- Ghazali, al-Thawasin, al-Hallaj, al-Busthami, and al-Jilli. Siti Jenar mixed the concept of death from many notions and cultures with his spiritual experience. He lived in a crisis of era transition; from Majapahit to Islam Demak.
The writer reconstructs the meaning of death in Heidegger and Siti Jenar’s conception that death is a condition of human in or out of this world that is a transit of his existence or his spirit from nothingness-towards-nothingness, from separation-towards-unity with God. This definition can resolve some weakness spots  of Heidegger  and  Siti Jenar’s  thought  about  death,  it  is  that  an  act of pessimistic will transform to be optimistic because we aware that we will unite with God, and an act of passive will transform to be active when we aware that we are  thrown,  because  by  this awareness,  human  will  use  his  time  as  good  as possible. Thereby, the veil of pessimistic of death that can appear in Heidegger’s thought and the veil of passivism of death that can appear in Siti Jenar’s thought can be avoidable. If someone has already able to be optimistic and active, then he will easy to achieve or at least to run his life authentically as the real human (manusia sejati).

Key words: Death, Dasein, The Real Human, Care, Syahâdat, Manunggal.
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