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28. Noun Phrases Of Jace Wayland`S Utterances In Mortal Instruments City Of Bones.

A noun phrase is one of the important elements in building a sentence. Every noun phrase has its own head of the phrase. The structure of the noun phrase can be different according to the modification of the head. There are two kinds of modification to the head of the phrase: pre-modification and post-modification. The main function of the modification is to give additional information or to specify the head of the noun phrase. According to the structure, there are simple and complex noun phrases. Simple noun phrase is for the noun phrase without any modifier in the form of anything unlike the complex noun phrase that needs modifiers to the head of the phrase. The noun phrase can also have several function in a clause. It can be the subject, object, or complement of the clause. The distribution is various depending on where the noun phrase is needed.
The object of this study is a novel by Cassandra Clare entitled Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. The noun phrases found in Jace Wayland’s utterances are the main focus of the analysis. This study aims to identify the structure types of the noun phrases, the distribution, and the function of the noun phrases revealing the character of Jace Wayland found in the utterances.
The writer uses population study in order to collect the data. All of the noun phrases in the utterances of Jace Wayland are sorted into the ones containing more than one word. After collecting the data, the noun phrases are again sorted depending from their structure and function in order to analyze. The Stylistic approach is used in conducting this analysis.
Based on the data collection, there are several results of the analysis. First, there are seven types of noun phrase structure found in the utterances of Jace Wayland. Those types include the use of determiner, pre-modifier, and post-modifier to the head of the phrase. Second, there are four main functions of a noun phrase in a clause: subject, object, prepositional complement, and predicative complement. Third, the noun phrases also has significant role in revealing the character of Jace Wayland: descriptive and direct character.
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