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39. The Messages Of Humanity Revealed Through Eliot`S View On Humanity As Seen In Kurt Vonnegut, JR`S God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, Or Pearls Before Swine

This study discusses the message that was revealed by the main character in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater or Pearls before Swine, a novel which was published in 1965 written by an American writer named Kurt Vonnegut. Two research problems are formulated in this study. The first is to find the characteristics of Eliot as the main character based on his view on humanity. the second is to find the message that is revealed from the way of Eliot views on humanity.
This study uses new criticism as the approach in analyzing the text content of the work. This approach emphasizes the intrinsic elements of the work. The primary source of this study is a novel titled God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater or Pearls Before Swine by Kurt Vonnegut. The secondary source of this research consists of books, journals, and articles discussing theories or reviews about new criticism approach, character and characterization, humanity, and messages. Then, the researcher applies these theories to answer all the formulated problems.
The results of this analysis are as follows. The main character in the story of Eliot Rosewater is described as a sympathetic person. In the past, he accidentally killed three unarmed men, therefore he was feeling guilty. Later, because of his own feeling guilty in the past, he wants to atone by helping each other people who are less fortunate. Eliot’s sympathetic also described as a attentive. His attentive is shown by being a good listener. Besides, Eliot also describes as an indiscriminate, a person who does not sort out for helping each other. By the way of Eliot views on humanity, the messages are revealed that as human beings, we have to help each other. Human being should share to those people who are in need. Money is not the one thing we need, but love, caring, and understanding.
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