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41. The Messages Revealed Through Kelsea`S Conflicts To Be A True Queen In Erika Johansen`S The Queen Of The Tearling.

The object of this study is a novel entitled The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen. This novel tells about the life of Kelsea Glynn who is the heir to the throne of Tearling. She must return to Tearling to become a queen and save the people from the suffering they have faced over the years.
The first objective of this study is to describe the main character and Kelsea’s characteristics. The second objective, is to explain the conflicts faced by Kelsea, and the third objective is to reveal the underlying messages in the way Kelsea solve her problems. The writer uses library research to answer the problem formulation. Some book references and online sources related to the theory of characters and characterization, theory of conflict, and the theory of message is also used by the writer. The approach used by the writer is new criticism.
The writer concludes that Kelsea has brave and wise characteristics. Both of these characteristics helps Kelsea to become a True Queen who is loved by the people of Tearling. Kelsea has two conflicts in this novel, internal and external conflicts. The Internal conflicts faced by Kelsea is a dilemma to be a queen. She is doubting herself, whether she is capable or not to be a True Queen who is desired by the people of Tearling. The external conflicts faced by Kelsea is divided into four by the writer. The first conflict is when Kelsea refuses Pen’shelp when she is building a tent. The second conflict is when she argues with Arlen Thorne. Kelsea wants to stop sending the slave for the sake of her people. The third conflict is when Kelsea disagrees with Lady Andrews on the hearing. She better loses her property than lossing her people. The last conflict is when she has to fight against the advice of Lazarus and the Queen’s Guard. She had better go alone and lost her life to save the people who is kidnapped in Thorne’s illegal shipments. The revealed moral messages from the conflicts experienced by Kelsea are as follows: be wise in taking any decision, be brave to take the risk, fight for human rights, and be consistent and never stop believing.
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