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188. The Influences Of Norwegian Myth In The Ring Symbol In The Lord Of The Ring The Fellowship Of The Ring Novel

Myth is a part of culture. It influences  our life uncounciously. We often find myth in our daily life, for example; if we sweep the floor unclean then we will have a hairy soulmate.  Myth also influences  someone  to do a better deed through  the motivation  of the ancestor‟s story as depicted from novel. In this study, I would like to analyze  the influences  of Norwegian  myth towards  the novel.
In this research, I would like to achieve two objectives. The first objective is that I would like to describe the Norwegian  myth of ring symbol found in the Lord of the Ring: the Fellowship  of the Ring novel. Secondly,  I would like to de sc ribe  the  influe nc e s  of  ring  symbol  in  Norwe gia n myth  towa rd s J.R.R.Tolkien‟s the Lord of the Ring: the Fellowship of the Ring novel.
From the analysis, I found there are a lot of Norwegian  myths found in the novel; they are described  the meaning of ring symbol that influences  the novel. The meaning  of ring symbol  that used in the novel are; the ring as symbol  of nobleman, the ring as symbol of domination,  the ring as symbol of bane, the ring as symbol  of power.  Then,  there are many  details  of the novel  that show the influences of Norwegian myth toward J.R.R.Tolkien‟s novel. They are; the influences  of the meaning  of ring symbols  in how he depicts the characters,  plot, atmosphere, theme, tone and setting.

Keywords: Norwegian, Influence, Myth, Novel
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