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38. The Impacts Of Parent’s Ambition In Developing Child’s Talents Toward Child’s Development As Reflected In Tan’s Two Kinds


This final project is aimed at analyzing the causes of parent to have an ambition to shape children to be prodigy, what the impact of the ambition and what the moral value of the narration.

The object of this study is Amy Tan’s Two Kinds. The data of the study are in the form of phrases, written dialogues and sentences which have explicit and implicit meanings. The data of this study were collected by doing the following steps: reading the short story thoroughly for many times, identifying the data, inventorising the data, classifying the data and the last reporting the data into Appendices. There were several techniques to analyze the data. They were exposing, explaining, interpreting, and the last one is concluding. The analysis of the study was done from the point of view New Criticism approach.

Based on the analysis, the writer can conclude there are three causes of parent’s ambition. They are parent’s background, parent’s motivation and parent’s action. There are some impacts of the ambition toward her daughter; daughter’s suffering, conflicts and daughter’s grudge toward parent. Meanwhile, the moral values are parents should not be too ambitious in forcing their children to someone that children do not want to be; children are not parent’s possession; parents must be aware in treating and educating children; we must not easily give up in reaching our goal; children have to give a good respect toward parent, etc.

On the basis of the result of the study, several suggestions can be offered. First, it is better for parents to have good communication with children. Parents have to be cooperative with children and make them comfortable with the activities which parent’s gave. Second, parents ought to tell their children that the education activities are very beneficial for their future. Parents should ask their opinion, whether they enjoy following the activities or not and regularly observe the achievement they make. Third, parents should give some reward if their children show good achievement as a token of appreciation. On the contrary, if their children show discomfort with the activity; involve them to get a better solution. The most important thing is that parents should understand that children need some time to play and enjoy their childhood. Therefore, communication between parents and children is very important to achieve the goal.
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