School Curriculum (KTSP), as the latest curriculum, brings new paradigm in English language teaching in Indonesia. School Based Curriculum is the revision from previous curriculum that is Competence Based Curriculum (CBC). In the new curriculum, the materials are now arranged more appropriately to develop Indonesian student’s ability to understand and to create spoken and written discourse in four basic skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. This study is conducted to find out the kind of transactional/interpersonal conversation stated in School Based Curriculum for the seventh grade junior high school students and English teachers problems dealing with the implementation of the 2006 English Curriculum (KTSP).
In this, study the writer used qualitative method. The respondents of this research were the English teachers of junior high schools in Semarang. There were ten public schools from ten districts in Semarang. In this research, the writer used opened questionnaire and closed questionnaire. The form of this questionnaire is the combination between multiple choice and essay questioner to get the data.
Based on the data, it was obtained that the English teachers have less understanding about 2006 English Curriculum, such as the language feature of transactional /interpersonal, the literacy to be achieved by junior high school student, the teaching-learning cycle and the competence to be achieved by seventh grade student. However, they have practiced 2006 English Curriculum in the field.
Referring to the data, the writer would like to offer some suggestions for Indonesian government and especially for the English teachers. First, the government should provide more funds to socialize the 2006 English Curriculum to all English teachers and conduct training. Second, government should provide facilities and supplementary books for the teacher and the students, which are appropriate with the curriculum. Third, the teacher should be more creative to make teaching and learning aid in order to make students understand. Fourth, the teacher should read books related to the curriculum and join the 2006 English Curriculum training.