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48. Textual Equivalence In Indonesian Translated Version Of J.K Rowling’s Novel “Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince”


Every translation has points of strength and points of weakness so that every translation is open to correction and improvement. To improve a translation product a translator should find the closest equivalence in several levels. Baker (1992) suggest five level namely; equivalence at word level, equivalence above word level, grammatical equivalence, textual equivalence, and pragmatic equivalence.

The study used qualitative approach to identify the result of the analysis using the English-Indonesian translation of the novel of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Document and observation methods are used to collect the data. The document method is employed as the data are in the form of printed text English and Indonesian version of the novel. The observation involves several types, namely; observing, identifying, comparing, classifying, and evaluating.
The result of this study shows that there were five types of cohesion found in the English-Indonesian translation of the novel Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. They are (1) reference, (2) substitution, (3) ellipsis, (4) conjunction, and (5) lexical cohesion.

Based on the result of the analysis, it could be suggested that a translator should be on doing the translation. Also, translator should compare carefully differences in the pronominal system and identify the proper names of both of source and the target language in order to provide an accurate, clear, and natural translation. Besides, the translator should understand various problems in translation in each level, so he/she can choose the nearest equivalence word and sentence in the target language.

The writer Translation which is used to bridge people of different languages serves the information from the source language into the target language. However, translation itself is a very complex subject. There are many requirements in translation, for instance, it should serve the equivalence of the source language, and it should also as natural as possible that the readers would not realize when they are reading a translation product.

This research was designed as a qualitative research. The qualitative research presented the data of the research in the form of qualitative description. The sources of the data in this study were sentences and utterances that contain collocation in English and their translation in Indonesian. The data collection was conducted by finding utterances and sentences that have collocation in the novel. Then, I investigate how the idioms are translated into Indonesian. I analyzed them afterward. Those data were organized to find the strategies used by the translator in translating those collocations. The steps to analyze the data were: observing, identifying, comparing, classifying and evaluating.

The result of this study showed that strategies used by the translator in translating from English into Indonesian are the ones suggested by Mona Baker (1992) such as: (1) translation by using a collocation of similar meaning. (2) Translation by changing meaning. (3) Translation by paraphrasing. If we can find the equivalence of the original text without any changes both in meaning and form. The change in meaning and the paraphrasing techniques are used to get the nearest equivalence when the source language collocation cannot be rendered using the collocation of similar meaning in the target language.

It is suggested that in doing translation works, a translator have good understanding and wide knowledge both of the source and target language.
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