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169. Languages Style Used in the Namesake Film


Language style is the way people manipulate others and control people in making interactions, bring the massage that usually conveyed in words and done of voice, whether formally or informally. People can not avoid the style in making communication, because it is so integral part of society. Style plays a great part in how we communicate with someone; we will choose a particular style which is suitable with the context. Language style can be found in written or spoken language. In this study, the writer focus in language style in form of spoken language. Language style can be determined from grammar and structure, the choice of the word or diction and the tone. Furthermore, style is an integral part of society that interaction cannot go ahead if one does not speak in the right style. It indicates language style that we use to convey messages is very important to make our communication more effective.

Considering the significance of language style above, this study is aimed to describe what the language style which is used by the main actors of The Namesake Film in conveys his or her idea through his or his utterance. The writer shows that language style is part of linguistics studies based the theory of Mc Crimmon.

In conducting this research, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method because it describes the data descriptively and it has natural setting. The writer becomes the main instrument who actively accesses the data sources on the script of The Namesake film.

After analyzing the data, the writer found that the main actors of The Namesake Film used Formal style, informal style and colloquial style in delivering their ideas. The style they used depends on the situation and the people they talked to.
By reviewing this study, it can be concluded that language style can not separated from the society. It is social part. Language style also has correlation with the culture. Hopefully, the next researchers who conduct the same research will complete this research in other elements, such as the physiological in using language style.
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