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171. Implicature Used By the Main Character on the Movie Transcript of Memoirs of Geisha


Implicature refers to implied meaning in utterance which can be understood thought not directly expression. Implicature is used by Grice (1975) to account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or mean a distinct from what the speaker says, implicature is related to the interpretation of the hearer or the reader to the speaker or the writer. It may many implied meaning that are in the utterance. It needs the observation of implied meaning to know well what actually the message delivered. In the implicature, it needs much knowledge to interpret. The implicite meaning needs the knowledge which is fit to the context, knowing the implied meaning that actually what to deliver. In interpreting the implied meaning, it also needs schemata to intreprate. Implicature has much uniqueness, as stated by Grundy (2000: 116) that implicature assumes that the speaker and the hearer can access a meaning which is conveyed but not stated, the availability of implicature also as mean of conveying meaning and also mean we can let the context to do more of work for us, implicature is also used to test the ground in the negotiation of meaning.

This research is about the observation on the movie transcript based on the implicature that used. This research is concern to the utterance that used by the main character on the movie transcript of “Memoirs of Geisha”. This research is limited to analysis on the utterance that is used by the main character on the movie transcript of “Memoirs of Geisha”.

This research uses descriptive qualitative design because it aims at describing and understanding the “Memoirs of Geisha” movie transcript. As stated by Ary (2002; 25) that qualitative seeks to understand the phenomena by focusing on the total picture rather than breaking it down to variable. The goal is a holistic picture and depth understanding rather than numeric analysis of data. It means that this research is focused on the getting depth understanding by observing the words of the dialogues or monologues in the movie transcript of “Memoirs of Geisha”. There are two types of implicature that has been analyzed in the movie transcript of “Memoirs of a Geisha”, they are conventional implicature and non conventional implicature, it is called as conversational implicature. Type of conversational implicature is divided into two kind, they are generalized implicature and particularized implicature. From seventeen utterances thas has been selected, there are fifteen utterances that classified into conversational implicature and two utterances that classified into conventional.
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