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18. Addition And Omission In The The English-Bahasa Indonesia The Adventures Of Tintin The Secret Of The Unicorn Movie Texts

In translating the movie text, the translator faces several problems that are the foreign terms and duration. The issues lead the translator to use some strategies, namely addition and omission. The focus of the researh are what types of addition and omission are used in the translation and the effects of addition and omission in transferring meaning in the English-Indonesia movie texts in The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn. The objectives describe the types of addition and omission and describe the effects of the addition and omission on meaning accuracy in The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn movie texts.
The study employs a method of qualitative and quantitative. The data of this research were sentences and the data sources English-Indonesia movie texts of The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn. Furthermore, the main instrument is represented by the researcher and the second a instrument is the data sheets. In addition, to gain trustworthiness of the data, triangulation method is applied. There are two findings obtained from this study. 
Three types of addition: addition of information specification purpose, amplification from implicit to explicit status, addition of categories. Addition of information specification purpose have the highest frequency with 22 cases (18.97%). Furthermore, the researcher also identifies three types of omissions: simply omitting the information, omission specification of reference, omission of conjunction and transitional. Simply omitting the information has the highest frequency with 40 cases (34.48%). Meanwhile, in case of degree of meaning equivalence, 115 cases (99.14%) are translated with equivalent meanings.

Keywords: addition, omission, meaning equivalent, The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn
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